People up North think we're all like Jeff Foxworthy and the Duke Boys but that's alright because we think they're all like the Bundys and the Simpsons!"The Person you have become is the sum-total of where you have been, what you have done and the influences around you. To put it another way, you are the sum-total of all your previous experiences, both good and bad.""THE LOVE YOU RECEIVE WILL BE AS GREAT AS THE LOVE YOU GIVE"Raising pets is like raising children except you don't have to listen to the excuses why they didn't clean their room or finish their homework. They don't require car insurance, don't get traffic tickets and the principal doesen't call about them. WE LOVE OUR CHILDREN AND WE LOVE OUR PETS!One man's pain is another man's pleasure.Ray Bubba had a tractor that was faster than his wife's car. LAST UPDATE: January 09, 2015 |